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REGISTRATION POLICY:  $75.00 first child and second child $50.00 non-refundable registration fee is required at time of enrollment along with the registration forms that must be filled out completely in order to validate your child’s enrollment.  Please make sure the Tuition Contract is signed and filled out completely. Your Childs enrollment will be secured upon receipt of the completed forms, registration fee, and a one- week security deposit.


Security Deposit/Withdrawal: A one-week security deposit is due at time of enrollment. This deposit may be used toward the last week of attendance as long as a one-month written notice of withdrawal is submitted prior to the first of their last month by a parent or guardian. At the end of the 30 days your security deposit will be returned. Security deposits are forfeited if a one-month written notice is not given or your child is dismissed from our center for any reason stated in this manual.


Tuition:  Invoices are billed monthly. Payment is expected on the first of each month or bi-weekly on the first and fifteenth.  Monthly tuition is based on four weeks. In the event of a five-week month an additional week must be added to monthly or bi-weekly tuition.  Any payment received after the last day of each month will have a charge of 20% added and the security deposit will be applied to the account.  Returned check fee is $30.00 per occurrence. If your check is returned 2 times, you will be required to pay in cash or certified check. Non- payment will result in termination of enrollment.

Schedule Changes: Any changes to your childs schedule needs to be given in writing and a new registration and tuition contract need to be filled out.

Emergency Closing:  In the event that our school must delay opening or close due to inclement weather or other emergency, the center will call each students home number no later than 6:00am.  We will be using the local Haddon Township school closings and delay openings as a guideline. There will be no refund or makeup day. During early closings, parents will be notified as soon as a decision is made. Your child needs to be picked up within 1 hour of notification.


Attendance: If your child will not be attending class for any reason, please notify the school as soon as possible. Your childs attendance is expected and the staff requirements have been met for the safety of each child. If you anticipate any change in your childs schedule, please notify us as soon as possible. We will do our best to accommodate your changes. Permanent changes must be accompanied by a revised registration and Tuition Contract.

Arrival and Departure:   A designated person responsible for the delivery of the child must accompany the child into the facility and be acknowledged by a supervising staff member. All children must be signed in and out by their parent at the exact time of arrival and departure. The school must be notified in advance if someone other than the parent or person listed on the authorization pick up list is picking up your child.  If someone other than the person listed on the form arrives to pick up the child, proper identification must be provided. We will not release any child to a person whose behavior or health appears to endanger the health or safety of the child or under the age of 18.

Health Forms: State regulations require that each child have a health form completed and signed by a physician and kept on file. Please update our records when new information is available.


Sick Policy: In case of illness, there will be no credit issued. When a child is released from school because of a contagious illness, a doctors written permission is required for your child to return to school, which will be under the discretion of the administering staff member.  We only administrate medicine with a form signed by a guardian with instruction on date, time and exact dosage. We strongly recommend children to be released from school if they have a fever of 100 degrees F or higher and stay home for an additional 24 hours.

Vacation Policy: Tuition deduction for a one time one week maximum vacation is allowed for each child every year. Please submit the vacation form at least one month before the first day of your vacation.


Reasons for Dismissal:  In order to provide a safe environment for all of our children and staff, we reserve the right to dismiss a child immediately when his/her or the parents behavior threatens the safety of or becomes abusive toward other children in the center. The following are some reasons that our school would be inclined to permanently dismiss your child from our center:


  • Frequent, delinquent or non-payments

  • Ongoing behavior problems that become disruptive to our program

  • Failure to pick up your sick child within a half hour of being notified

  • Frequent late pickups


Late Pick-up fees: Our center closes at 6:00pm. We feel it is unfair to keep our teachers beyond this time. If you pick up your child after 6:00pm, there will be $10.00 fee for every ten minutes late. Frequent late pickups may result in termination of enrollment.  Please call the center and let us know as soon as possible when you know you will be late picking up your child.


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